Updating a drum track

As years have passed, my development as a musician has slowly progressed, to the point that this year, I am finally ready to release my first EP of five songs. Before I do, however, I have made ready 3 demos of the songs that you can hear on SoundCloud, one of which I just updated the drum track on, In My Own Mind. It's a song about escaping from the industrial and socially constructed reality we have created for ourselves, one that sometimes imposes an unfair order on our lives which we are forced to follow. It also reflects on some of the realities that I have observed; the realities of other people and animals.

Recording and mixing a song is a learning process, but as I learn the craft, I realize that the process itself is an instrument of its own, lending its character to the song, whether I like it or not. It never truly sounds like intended, but it gets its own sound, and I guess that's a virtue in and of itself.

You can check out the song here: https://soundcloud.com/sivertmartin


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