
In times of crisis, it is sometimes consoling to hear of others being in a similar situation. Sideways is a song of such nature. It is a song that describes a period of my life that perhaps wasn't so easy. It is also a song that chronicles my struggles of becoming a musician with a wide audience, as my audience still does not extend very far. However, it is also only my seventh song, so who knows what the future will bring.

Sideways is also a song that represents a different type of crisis. The type that is brought about by chronic perfectionism and the standards held by modern music production. Not only that, but Sideways as a song demands such enourmous standards. Some ideas, some songs and melodies, some works of art are of such a character that their conception require the highest standards of production. And so it is with Sideways. It is just a song, yes. But to me, its capture could never harbor any lesser of a quality than the highest and most qualified means of production. Working on it by myself, I can only hope to come as close as possible.

It took me 8 months to finish the mix, and I am yet not sure if I am happy with. I can still hear all the miniscule pops, clicks and imperfections. I am still uncertain about the sound of it. I like it, of course. But for it to sound exactly as I had envisioned is almost an impossible task. However, I like to believe that I came close enough. And close enough is, well, close enough.

Maybe that's how it should be for all of us. Close enough is close enough. And sometimes, far away is close enough. Let's not be too hard on ourselves, especially not in the time of crisis.

Special thanks to Thomas Hoel for helping me out with a great bass track and mixing advice! 

Listen to Sideways on SoundCloud

Photo by Lars Ervik


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