
Showing posts from May, 2020


In times of crisis, it is sometimes consoling to hear of others being in a similar situation. Sideways is a song of such nature. It is a song that describes a period of my life that perhaps wasn't so easy. It is also a song that chronicles my struggles of becoming a musician with a wide audience, as my audience still does not extend very far. However, it is also only my seventh song, so who knows what the future will bring. Sideways is also a song that represents a different type of crisis. The type that is brought about by chronic perfectionism and the standards held by modern music production. Not only that, but Sideways as a song demands such enourmous standards. Some ideas, some songs and melodies, some works of art are of such a character that their conception require the highest standards of production. And so it is with Sideways. It is just a song, yes. But to me, its capture could never harbor any lesser of a quality than the highest and most qualified means of production...